Claire Fitzpatrick riding SassyEmily Pelham riding Atlantic Rain. Pony - Emily Blaasch on Butch CassidyCaitlynn Dumbreck riding PilgrimAltissimo Group - Caitlynn, Shauni, Emily, Sam with instructor Val MaygerBBD Fortune Group - Ella, Krystal, Lauren, Claire with instructor Marjorie Radford
Rally Saturday 9th February 2013
Lecture by Marj Radford – Tips on Buying a Horse
Buying a horse is an emotional journey, it’s like a marriage, your horse may become a lasting partner.
Here are some tips in making your purchase easier:
-Buying a horse through word of mouth, from friends, pony club, viewing horses at shows etc is beneficial as you become aware of any history (good or bad) with the horse.
-Try and find out lots of information about the horse you may be interested in, if possible find out why they are selling the horse. It is important to get a direct, confident answer.
-Be wary of young horses for young riders, take care when purchasing young horses and ex race horses, prior experience is beneficial.
-Be careful not to buy on sympathy. Some horses can touch your heart, especially if they have been mistreated.
-Take an experienced rider/coach when you go to visit the horse. Very importantly insist that the seller of the horse rides it first, then your coach and definitely you must ride the horse before buying it.
- Arrive early when viewing horse. It is important to see and ride horse when it is fresh from paddock. Make a note as to whether the horse has been lunged prior to you arriving. Look for sweat marks, girth and saddle area etc
- Ask questions in regard to horse habits: Biting, kicking, rearing, bucking, wind sucking.
- Is the horse comfortable with being hosed, picking up his feet, and floating.
- Find a horse that matches your ability, schoolmasters are great for young riders starting out.
-Never buy a horse unseen.
-See if you can take the horse on trial and insure it for the time you have. If not ride it more than once in different environments. If you can take the horse off the owners property will be beneficial as you can see how the horse behaves away from the familiar.
- If you are serious and want to but the horse, consult a vet for a vet check. Don’t buy a horse with a bad vet check. Listen to the vet as they will give you good sound advice.
-Check if the horse is registered with the relevant association (dependant on breed), if yes double check age, ownership and identicality (markings and brands match). When you have purchased the horse ensure the previous owner transfers it into your name.

Good Luck.